Privacy Policy

Effective Date: November 1, 2023

Indelible Inc. Ltd
Level 39, One Canada Square
London, E14 5AB

We’ve updated our Privacy Policy to reflect changes in data privacy laws and provide additional details about how we collect, use, and protect your information. Our core commitment to your privacy remains unchanged, including our pledge in this Privacy Policy to never sell your data.

Changes to This Policy

We may update this Policy from time to time. If we do, we’ll notify you about any material changes on our website or by email. New versions of this Policy won’t apply retroactively. If you continue using Indelible after a change, you accept the updated Policy.

Who We Are

Indelible Inc. Ltd, based in One Canada Square, London, is a for profit company that provides fintech services to support creative and impactful projects through our crowdfunding platform (our “Services”). We are committed to protecting your privacy.

How This Policy Applies

This Policy explains the information we collect, how we use it, and your rights and choices regarding the information you provide to us. By using Indelible’s Services, you acknowledge that you’ve agreed to our Terms of Use and have read and understood this Privacy Policy.

What We Collect and Receive

To create an account on Indelible and use our Services, we collect and process certain information, including:

  1. .

  2. Demographic information, provided with your consent, to help Indelible support creators and represent a diverse population in our research.

You may decline to provide certain information, but it may limit your ability to use specific features of the Services.

How We Use This Information

We use the collected information for the following purposes:

    • To keep your account secure and protect our Services (including to verify the identities of creators and prevent fraud and abuse);
    • To enable us to provide you with our Services, and to improve and promote our Services;
    • To create and administer your account, contact you, and customize your experience on Indelible (for example, to show you projects that we think may interest you based on your previous use); and
    • To track and analyze use of the Services so that we can improve how Indelible is performing and provide users with the best experience possible.

European Union Users

Data protection law in Europe requires a lawful basis for collecting and retaining personal information. Our lawful bases include performing the contract with you, legal compliance, and legitimate interests.

Data protection law in Europe requires a “lawful basis” for collecting and retaining personal information from citizens or residents of the European Economic Area. Our lawful bases include:

  • Performing the contract we have with you: In certain circumstances, we need your personal data to comply with our contractual obligation to deliver the Services, enable creators to establish and display their projects, and enable backers to find and make pledges to them.
  • Legal compliance: Sometimes the law says we need to collect and use your data. For example, tax laws require us to retain records of pledges and payments made through our Services.
  •  Legitimate interests: This is a technical term in data protection law which essentially means we have a good and fair reason to use your data and we do so in ways which do not hurt your interests and rights. We sometimes require your data to pursue our legitimate interests in a way that might reasonably be expected as part of running our business and that does not materially impact your rights, freedom or interests.

    For example, we use identity, device, and location information to prevent fraud and abuse and to keep the Services secure. We may also send you promotional communications about our Services, subject to your right to control whether we do so.

    We analyse how users interact with our Site so we can understand better what elements of the design are working well and which are not working so well. This allows us to improve and develop the quality of the online experience we offer all our users.

How This Information Is Shared

Information is shared publicly, with trusted third-party services to support our Services, with creators and collaborators for project-related purposes, and to protect Indelible and comply with the law.

When you create an account, we create a basic profile page for you on Indelible, containing your username, the date the account was created, and a list of projects you have backed or launched. By default, your profile is private and you can choose to make it public in your account settings. Your username appears with the comments you post and messages you send on Indelible and, if your profile is set to public, people can click your username to view it. If you make your profile public, others will be able to see the following things:

  • The account username you select, and the date the account was created;
  • Any information you choose to add to your profile (like a picture, bio, or your location);
  • Projects you’ve backed (but not pledge amounts or rewards chosen);
  • Projects you’ve created;
  • Comments you’ve posted on Indelible; and
  • If you have “Liked” a project update.

If you would like to have a public profile, but don’t want others to see your name or profile image on a project’s Community tab, you may choose an account image or name that is not identifiable (e.g., KoolKat88). You can modify or delete certain information associated with your account (such as your username, profile image, biography and location) from your profile page and you can change your privacy settings if you want to make your profile private or adjust the default settings.

Creators are also asked to verify their identities before launching a project. Once this has been done, the creator’s Verified Name will be publicly displayed on their account profile and on any projects they launch.

Information that isn’t shared publicly

The following data will not be publicly displayed or revealed to other users:

  • Any payment information you provide;
  • Your password details;
  • Your IP address;
  • Your phone number;
  • Your date of birth and other identity verification documentation (for creators);
  • Private profile information, in accordance with your preferences; and
  • Communications you send to us (for example, when you ask for support, send us questions or comments, or report a problem);

Information that’s shared with trusted third-party services

We may share your information with certain trusted third-party services to help us provide, improve, promote, or protect Indelible’s Services (like when we partner with payment processors, or use services that help us manage our ads on other sites). When we share data with third-party services that support our delivery of the Indelible’s Services, we require that they use your information only for the purposes we’ve authorized, and that they protect your personal information at least to the same standards we do. We may also share information that’s aggregated and anonymized in a way that it doesn’t directly identify you.

Information that’s shared with creators and collaborators

When you back a project, the project’s creator will know your username, the amount you have pledged, and the reward you have selected. Creators never receive backers’ credit card details or other payment information.

If a project you have backed is successfully funded, the creator will receive the email address associated with your Indelible account. They may also send you a survey requesting information needed to provide your reward. (For instance, they may need your mailing address, or shoe size.) Any information you provide in such surveys will be received by the creator.

Creators are required to keep backer information confidential, except as strictly necessary to communicate with backers directly and fulfill rewards. Creators should not ask for personal information that isn’t necessary to provide your reward, and should never request sensitive personal information such as your Social Security number or payment information. Contact us at if you receive a request for information that seems inappropriate or excessive.

Collaborators are third parties that creators can appoint to help manage their project. These collaborators may be able to access the information available to creators (including backers’ names, email addresses, pledge amounts, reward selections, messages, and survey responses), and are required to treat backers’ personal information with the same care and respect as creators are.

Creators and their collaborators may also receive routine traffic analytics about their project pages.

Information that’s shared to protect Indelible and comply with UK law

We do reserve the right to disclose personal information when we believe that doing so is reasonably necessary to comply with the law or law enforcement, to prevent fraud or abuse, or to protect Indelible’s legal rights, property, or the safety of Indelible, its employees, users, or others.

Links to other websites and services

Our Site may include links to other websites or services whose privacy practices may differ from Indelible’s. When you use a link to an external site or service, the privacy policy and data processing disclosures for that site or service governs.


We will retain your information as long as your account is active, as necessary to provide you with the Services or as otherwise set forth in this Policy. We will also retain and use this information as necessary for the purposes set out in this Policy and to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, enforce our agreements and protect Indelibles’s legal rights.

We also collect and maintain aggregated, anonymized or pseudonymized information which we may retain indefinitely to protect the safety and security of our Site, improve our Services or comply with legal obligations.

Data Transfers

Indelible, being a UK-based company, processes your information in the United Kingdom. The rules that protect your personal information under UK law may be different than in your home country. If you choose to use the Services, you opt in and therefore agree to our Terms of Use, which set out the contract between Indelible and its users.

The rules governing data protection under UK law may differ from those in your home country.

Your Rights

Users in certain countries, including the UK and across the EU, have rights regarding their personal information. These include the right to access, correct, and request deletion of your information.

Except where an exception or exemption applies, these rights include the ability to access, correct, and request deletion of your personal information. While these rights are not applicable globally, all Indelible users can manage their personal information, as further described below, in their profile settings

You can request a downloadable copy of your personal data from Indelible by emailing To modify or delete the personal information you’ve provided to us, please log in and update your profile. You may also delete your account from your account settings page. We may retain certain information as required by law or as necessary for our legitimate business purposes.

Email and Mobile Notifications

We communicate with you only if you want to hear from us, providing service-related announcements and, if you choose, marketing communications.


We take security seriously and follow industry-standard practices to protect the data we collect and maintain.We take security seriously, and the security of your personal data is important to us. We follow industry-standard practices to protect the data we collect and maintain, including using Transport Layer Security (TLS) to encrypt information as it travels over the internet. No method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is completely secure, so Indelible cannot guarantee its absolute security. Your account information is protected by a password, which you should choose carefully and keep secure.

Data Protection Officer

You can contact our Data Protection Officer at

You can contact us in writing at:

Level 39, One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5AB

Data Protection Authority

If you are in the UK and EU, you have the right to object to our use of your personal information and lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office.


Indelible is not intended for users under 18, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 16.

If you believe that a child has provided us with personal information, please contact us at If we become aware that a child under age 16 has provided us with personally identifiable information, we’ll delete it.